Wykonujemy ekspozycje na wymiar według indywidualnych potrzeb klientów. Projektujemy je zgodnie z przekazanymi wytycznymi (display guideline) lub jeśli jest taka potrzeba tworzymy je od nowa zgodnie z przekazanymi instrukcjami. Tworząc koncepcję oraz projekty wykonawcze dostosowujemy displaye do wymogów i standardów panujących w sieciach sprzedaży. Przykładowe rodzaje ekspozycji na wymiar: wyspy, filary, ściany, aranżacje salonów sprzedaży, ekspozytory ścienne/półkowe/podłogowe (rozwiązania modułowe), stojaki i regały systemowe, meble targowe, show room, shop in shop, witryny, itd.
Repair of display materials
Our experienced service team keeps the highest workmanship standards. We provide guarantee as well as post-guarantee service across Poland and Europe.
We offer a full service in the area of production of display furniture and advertising materials. Due to our long-standing experience, we are also enable to provide professional advisory services. Our solutions feature effective marketing communication combined with impressive design, the highest quality and durability of workmanship.
Due to the years of experience in designing display materials we are able to meet even the most demanding expectations of our customers. Our display designs combine visual attractiveness and latest standards in terms of materials applied as well as design solutions.
As we have been manufacturing display furniture and advertising materials since 2005, we have gained invaluable experience and worked out the know-how that is indispensable to meet our customers’ expectations. We have carried out numerous projects for companies operating in the consumer electronics sector as well as retail chains. Offering our solutions, we focus on current trends, quality and durability.
Our service range also includes storage of any display or advertising materials.
Transport and assembly
We offer transport and installation of our display furniture and advertising materials across Poland and Europe. Thanks to the long-standing experience, our service teams are able to perform their tasks both quickly and reliably.